Au Plus Proche

Party game website

This is a HTML/CSS Javascript Vanilla Party Game which allows you to play the game "Au Plus Proche".
Take a slate or a piece of paper and write your answers on it, after 15 seconds, reveal the answer, the person who is closest wins 1 point, in the event of a tie, both people win 1 point and If the answer of someone is exactly the answer, it's 2 points.

ome Page of the game Au Plus Proche

Home Page of the game "Au Plus Proche"

Game Page of the game Au Plus Proche

Game Page of the game "Au Plus Proche"


Resume Generator

This is a Javascript Vanilla script that automatically generates my resume when someone wants it. The interest is for me to have a greater ease to update my resume and for the person who wants it, a version always up to date.

An Example Resume

An Example Resume

Piece of Code

Piece of Code

Party Game Web

This website is a PHP web-application. The idea is to produce a party game adapted to the web format. The game must take place in a single screen for ease of use (the idea is not that the players are each glued to their screen) and therefore on a tour by turn or in local cooperation.

Account Modification Page

Account Modification Page

Registration page

Registration page

Login page

Login page

Password Change Page

Password Change Page

Game Page

Game Page

Edit Tags Page

Edit Tags Page

Edit Objects Page

Edit Objects Page

Project report

Project report

My internship of computer science Technical University Diploma (Summer 2019)

3D museum in virtual reality (Spirits of St.Catherine’s)

Spirits of St.Catherine’s is Unity 3D and C sharp project. It is the reconstruction of the Church of St. Catherine in Northern Ireland. Thanks to the virtual reality technology, we can move around the church to visit it, the building being very damaged in the real world.

CINE project: Connected Culture and Natural Heritage in a Northern Environment (CINE), it aims to numerically backup historical sites through the digital reconstruction process with the help of virtual reality and augmented reality and other technologies in the northern environnement

Outdoor view of the church

Preview of the game - Outdoor view of the church

Miniature church

Preview of the game - Miniature church

Start screen

Preview of the game - Start screen

Super Hexagon Like

Unity project video game

This game is a rework of the video game "Super Hexagon". This game is aviable in Desktop version, Web version and Android version.
Tools : C# and Unity


Website for Sandwiches reservations in the cafeteria of the IUT of Lannion in France

This website is a PHP web-application available on phone, tablet and computer for cafeteria staff and other users (students, teachers and UIT staff). It facilitates the work of the cafeteria staff.

Homepage, Login

Homepage, Login

Inventory management administrator page

Inventory management administrator page

User reservation page

User reservation page

Product list page

Product list page

Personal Password Changer Page

Personal Password Changer Page

Cafeteria staff home page

Cafeteria staff home page

Register page

Register page

Trans Musicales

Concert halls Reservations for Trans Musicales

Project PHP, HTML and CSS3 to book rooms of Trans Musicales. This website allows all artists participating in the festival Trans Musicales to book their concert hall for each day of the festival.

Trans Musicales

Preview home of the website

Trans Musicales

Preview search engine

Trans Musicales

Preview booking summary

Trans Musicales

Preview search performed

Trans Musicales

Preview Intokable group bookings

Pokedex PHP

Pokedex with more than 800 pokemons

PHP, HTML and CSS3 project to create a personal pokedex for each member of the site. Users can create an account and connect to it; add, delete pokemons to their pokedex; browse the pokedex and many other features.


Preview home of the Website


Preview personal pokedex


HTML project on augmented reality

HTML5 CSS3 project with Bootstrap to have a responsive rendering for Smartphone or Tablet
Here the link of the website : Témango


Preview of the Website

X Facteur

Java project of mail delivery

The purpose of this project is to propose an application which allows to show the road to be followed for a mailman. Some pedestrian streets force mailman to go on foot. Some streets are one way.
The application must display the addresses and number of letters for the mailman.
Of course, the algorithm for finding the path of the mailman, must be chosen in such a way, to allow a minimal expenditure in time, fuel and with the least possible number of mailman.

Use of the programming language Java and of JavaFX for the management of graphical interfaces



Prototype development of X Facteur

Prototype development of X Facteur

Logo of X Facteur

Logo of X Facteur

UML diagram of X Facteur

UML diagram of X Facteur

SNI diagram

SNI diagram

X Facteur Slideshow

X Facteur Slideshow

The trajectory of planes

A documentary website realized thanks to the interview of the Lannion's flying club, to present the various phases and the trajectories of flight

Home page

Home page

Take-off page

Take-off page

Flight page

Flight page

The quantum computers

Website on the quantum computers and their incredible computing power
HTML5 CSS3 project with Bootstrap to have a responsive rendering for Smartphone or Tablet


Prototype of quantum computer

Website : The quantum computers

Website : The quantum computerse

YOD Game

Android app developed on processing, puzzle-game where the player has to transform all the red square into blue square to finish the level

Yod Game

Yod Game